JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2017 - July 31, 2017

Queensland University of Technology

This listing is inactive.
QUT Business School
School of Economics and Finance
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Experimental and Behavioural Economics

JOE ID Number: 2017-01_111457555
Date Posted: 02/17/2017
Date Inactive: 03/24/2017
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Experimental and Behavioural Economics
Section: International: Other Academic (Visiting or Temporary)
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA
JEL Classifications:
C9 -- Design of Experiments
D0 -- General
Experimental Economics
Behavioural Economics
Salary Range: $AUD81,372 to $AUD87,337
Full Text of JOE Listing:

Position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Experimental and Behavioural Economics (2 years) - QUT – Brisbane

We are recruiting a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Experimental and Behavioural Economics. The successful candidate will join a team of researchers composed of Lionel Page (QUT), Stephen Cheung (University of Sydney) and Martin Kocher (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) to work on a project funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC). The project will involve designing and running a large field experiment investigating the time preferences and procrastination behaviour of students in high schools. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to shape the project and take the lead on several of its aspects.

Type of appointment:
This appointment will be offered on a fixed- term, full-time basis for 2 years.

Information for applicants:
The position is open to Domestic and International applicants. Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply.

For further information about the position, please contact, Professor Lionel Page ; or for further information about working at QUT contact Jenny Browne, HR Advisor on +61 73138 4166.

Applications close: 19 March 2017

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
  • Letters of Reference Instructions Below
Application deadline: 03/19/2017
Reference Instructions:
Send reference letters addressed in confidence to Professor Lionel Page: