That thinking requires the minimum wage to be a result of the natural free market. Minimum wage is a result of government policy.
A rise in wage requires a rise in price. Raise the wages across Walmart by $1.60 and Walmart is taking an annual loss, thus price must increase. The rational consumer buys the lower-priced product fitting the need—it's not easy to find out if price at every stage of the supply chain is a result of high social responsibility or high profits—and the labor employed at voluntarily-high wages shrinks as consumer demand shifts to firms paying the lowest wage they can command.
Thus the company seeking to raise its wages will do so only where labor costs are low and the marginal price impact is immaterial to the consumer. Why pay $8 at Burger King when you can pay $5 at McDonalds? But maybe it's $5.15 at Burger King and $5 at McDonalds—then, if you like Burger King and the McDonalds is a mile down the road, why drive the extra mile?
I'm not relating GNI/C to GDP; I'm viewing GNI/C as the income retained and likely spendable going forward in the economic jurisdiction when the demand for money increases, and so relating wages (minimum, mean) to GNI/C. Productivity gaps come from the sag in wages when they fall relative to GNI/C: if minimum wage falls by 10% of GNI/C, mean wage only falls by e.g. 7% of GNI/C, and so the same number of average-wage working hours (labor divided among high- and low-skill and -wage labor through the supply chain) carries the same cost of MORE minimum-wage working hours. This divergence thus makes it less cost-effective to employ the division of labor as a means to increase productivity, so greater productivity gains are necessary before it makes economic sense.
I can crudely estimate the expected productivity gain from moving minimum wage from e.g. 0.265 GNI/C to 0.667 GNI/C, but I think my model is incomplete and the figure I get out of it is…in the right direction, but probably imprecise. Likewise, I can model wage compression such that mean÷minimum moves from 4 to 2 and compute the productivity gain, but the model is probably imprecise. If it's imprecise, it's incomplete, thus wrong.
As such, I don't think you're increasing production; I think you're increasing productivity per labor-hour. It's not about inflating wages or deflating prices, but about making high-efficiency processes more cost-effective than employing cheap labor, causing structural change (a reorganization of the factors of production). Profits would technically be higher (more purchasing, same margins).