About EconSpark: AEA Economics Discussion Forum

Welcome to EconSpark: the AEA Economics Discussion Forum. This moderated message board was created to provide a place for members and other registered users to share information relevant to economics. We hope you will ask questions and contribute comments to foster a community where participants can learn from and advise each other in a safe environment.

By using EconSpark, you acknowledge and consent to the Disclaimer and Usage Guidelines.

Additional Features:
Multiple-mode posting option:
EconSpark allows registered users to post either anonymously or with a screen-name version of their name from the same login account. If you registered with an anonymous screen-name, you have the option to create a custom screen-name based on your name, and vice versa. Each time you participate in EconSpark (posting, answering, commenting, voting, etc.), you can choose which mode to use and will post with the screen-name you select at that time.
Any question can be turned into a user poll. Choosing “Turn this question into a user poll” lets the poster create and add poll choices. Only registered users will be able to vote or see results. After a user has voted, the poll indicates what option they chose and also shows them the distribution of existing votes at that time.
Inline Images:
EconSpark supports images (such as charts or figures) hosted by Imgur. They will now appear inline in a post, answer, or comment when you include the URL for a specific Imgur-hosted image. By default, larger images will be reduced in size. Clicking on an image reveals a larger version within the EconSpark window.