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asked ago in General Economics Questions by (57.7k points)
As staff to the AEA's Committee on Economic Statistics, I'm using EconSpark to let economists know of proposed changes in federal economic data collections.  

HUD is proposing a 2019 American Housing Survey with the following characteristics:

AHS sample size increased to 117,537 households.
Reinstatement of the Food Security Module to analyze how HUD assistance programs, especially rental assistance, affect food security assistance.
Two new supplemental modules – Home Accessibility and Post-Secondary Education modules -- to collect data on modifications made to assist occupants living with disabilities and details about the experiences of household members attending a post-secondary institution.
Introduction of a Housing Insecurity Research Module Follow-On: The goal is to collect data that can be used to explore the feasibility of constructing a standardized series of questions to measure the continuum of housing insecurity in the model of the transferable U.S. Household Food Security Survey Module developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The proposed 2019 AHS is described here: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=201810-2528-002.
Click on "View Supporting Statement and Other Documents" for description of plans, methods, and modules.
Click on IC List for questionnaire.

If you are a user of AHS data, please let me know. If you wish to provide input and feedback on the proposed 2019 AHS, I'm available to make that happen, feel free to contact me at areamer@gwu.edu.

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