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asked ago in General Economics Questions by (58.3k points)
As staff to the AEA's Committee on Economic Statistics, I'm using EconSpark to let economists know of proposed changes in federal economic data collections.  

The National Center for Education Statistics is proposing a series of changes in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) for 2019-22. Those changes, and the overall approach to IPEDS data collection, are described here: https://www.regulations.gov/contentStreamer?documentId=ED-2019-ICCD-0028-0004&attachmentNumber=1&contentType=msw12

The changes were based on recommendations from a series of Technical Review Panels organized by RTI https://edsurveys.rti.org/IPEDS_TRP/Default.aspx

If you use IPEDS data and wish to provide input on the proposed 2019-22 version, I'm available to help. Feel free to contact me at areamer@gwu.edu.

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