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asked ago in General Economics Questions by (57.7k points)
Congress directed that BLS prepare a report on cost and design options for a new Survey of Employer-Provided Training, which was last conducted in 1995. BLS just made that 3-page report public -- excerpt:

The design options laid out in this report build upon BLS research sponsored by the Department of Labor in Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 and FY 2017 for BLS to begin exploring the feasibility of developing an updated SEPT. Reports summarizing this research are available upon request. The SEPT development work recommended the following design options to collect incidence of training: an online employee survey and an online employer survey, as well as a recommendation to develop and test a survey using an employee log in order to collect information on the amount of time spent in training-related activities. While the employer and employee surveys could be done independently, all three surveys are required to provide a full picture of employer-provided training. The data would be collected over the course of a year, with results released annually in the year following collection.

The three-page report is available here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/jeahw7nppuum29b/BLS%20Rpt--SEPT%20Design-Cost%20Options%202018.pdf?dl=0

If a revived SEPT is of interest to you, feel free to contact staff of AEA Committee on Economic Statistics Kitty Smith Evans kitty.s.evans@aeapubs.org and Andrew Reamer areamer@gwu.edu.

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