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asked ago by (57.7k points)
the Office of Management and Budget is inviting the public to identify needs for additional access to, or improvements in the quality of, Federal data and models that would improve the Nation's artificial intelligence (AI) research and development (R&D) and testing efforts.


To developing requests for additional accesses for data and models to improve AI R&D and testing, input to the following questions is sought:
What Federal data and models are you seeking to use that are available to the public with no use restrictions, but which have technical issues inhibiting data access?
Specifically, what are the technical issues (e.g., is it too big to be downloaded, is it not optimally formatted)? What types of AI R&D and testing would be accelerated with increased access to this data?
What Federal data and models are you seeking to use that are restricted to the public, i.e., the data asset is available under certain use restrictions? What types of AI R&D and testing would be accelerated with increased access to this data?
What Federal data and models are you seeking to use that are private and not at all available to the public? Describe the agency that has the data and what, if any, attempts you are aware of that have been made to increase access to the data or model. What types of AI R&D and testing would be accelerated with increased access to this data?
What are key gaps in data and model availability that are slowing progress in AI R&D and testing? Which areas of AI R&D and testing are most impacted?

In developing requests for quality improvements to accessible data and models to improve AI R&D and testing, input to the following questions is sought:
As agencies review their data and models, what are the most important characteristics they should consider? Stated differently, what characteristics of data sets or models make them well-suited for AI R&D?
Which models are most important for agencies to focus on, and why?
What characteristics should the Federal Government consider to increase a data set or model's utility for AI R&D (e.g., documentation, provenance, metadata)?
What data ownership, intellectual property, or data sharing considerations should be included in federally-funded agreements (including, but not limited to, federal contracts and grants) that results in production of data for R&D?
What research questions and applications are you trying to solve with AI, that require specific types and/or quantities of Federal data and models, and how might the Federal Government reduce barriers to discovery and access?
Accelerating the application of AI can be enabled with pre-trained models (e.g., ResNet trained on ImageNet) that facilitate transfer learning. What research questions and applications would benefit most from the transfer learning?

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