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From the staff of the AEA Committee on Economic Statistics:
Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey results, Fiscal Year 2018  https://ncsesdata.nsf.gov/herd/2018/
Infobrief: https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/2020/nsf20302/  
R&D funding for economics sets records in FY2018:  $465 million  --  Table 9 https://ncsesdata.nsf.gov/herd/2018/html/herd18-dt-tab009.html
Economics R&D funding by source -- Table 12   https://ncsesdata.nsf.gov/herd/2018/html/herd18-dt-tab012.html  

Economics research funding in FY2018 by 915 institutions -- See Table 52 https://ncsesdata.nsf.gov/herd/2018/html/herd18-dt-tab052.html  

George Mason $40.9M  
Michigan  $36.6M
Berkeley  $26.7M  
Harvard   $23.2M
MIT  $22.4M  
Georgia State  $11.0M  
Columbia   $10.8M
South Carolina  $10.5M
UC-Davis  $10.0M
Wyoming   $9.2M

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