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From the AEA Committee on Economic Statistics:
The Department of Commerce's Under Secretary for Economic Affairs invites nominations to a new Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/11/06/2019-24172/advisory-committee-on-data-for-evidence-building

The Advisory Committee will review, analyze, and make recommendations on how to promote the use of Federal data for evidence building. Duties include:
(1) Assisting the OMB Director in carrying out the duties outlined under part D of subchapter III of chapter 35 of title 44 (which concerns access to data for evidence);
(2) evaluating and providing recommendations to the OMB Director on how to facilitate data sharing, enable data linkage, and develop privacy enhancing techniques; and
(3) reviewing the coordination of data sharing or availability for evidence building across all agencies.
The Chief Statistician of the United States shall serve as the Chair of the Advisory Committee. Members of the Advisory Committee from Federal agencies will be sourced separately from this Notice and will be appointed by the Director of OMB. These Federal members are as follows: One agency Chief Information Officer; one agency Chief Privacy Officer; one agency Chief Performance Officer; three members who are agency Chief Data Officers; three members who are agency Evaluation Officers; three members who are agency Statistical Officials who are members of the Interagency Council for Statistical Policy . . . .
The U.S. Department of Commerce Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs is hereby soliciting nominations for the non-Federal members of the Advisory Committee. In addition to the members listed above, the Director of OMB will appoint at least 10 committee members from non-Federal sources. As required by the Act, these members will be sourced from State and local governments and nongovernmental stakeholders with expertise in government data policy, privacy, technology, transparency policy, evaluation and research methodologies, and other relevant subjects, of whom—
(A) at least one shall have expertise in transparency policy;
(B) at least one shall have expertise in privacy policy;
(C) at least one shall have expertise in statistical data use;
(D) at least one shall have expertise in information management;
(E) at least one shall have expertise in information technology; and
(F) at least one shall be from the research and evaluation community.

Committee members may serve for a term of 2 years or less. The Advisory Committee is expected to meet a minimum of three times per year, with the possibility of additional meetings as the Chair may determine.
Nominations are due by December 4, 2019. A joint OMB and Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs selection team will review the nomination packages to identify a set of potential members that possesses the balance of qualifications required by law, and provide a vetted slate of proposed candidates for appointment by the OMB Director.

The selection team will make recommendations regarding membership based on criteria including: (1) Professional or academic expertise, experience, and knowledge; (2) stakeholder representation; (3) availability and willingness to serve; and (4) relevant experience in working in committees and advisory panels.

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