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From the AEA Committee on Economic Statistics:
The planning committee for the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) Workshop on 2020 Census Data Products (December 11-12) issued a call for public input from prospective users of 2020 Census data products to inform the Census Bureau's final decisions regarding the nature of the 2020 products, particularly concerning the use of differential privacy processes.

On October 29, the Census Bureau released a set of “2010 Demonstration Products” — tables comparable to those released as official data products of the 2010 Census, but generated by applying the Census Bureau’s new-for-2020 protocol for disclosure avoidance (based on the concept of differential privacy) to raw 2010 census data.  See https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/2020-census/planning-management/2020-census-data-products/2010-demonstration-data-products.html
Prior to the workshop, CNSTAT seeks brief responses and signals of interest — indications of whether you plan to scrutinize the 2010 Demonstration Products and whether you have a case study or an application that you think would be good to showcase at the workshop. Even short, fragmentary expressions will be helpful in shaping the Dec 11-12 workshop agenda. We may be back in touch with you about presenting/discussing at the workshop; we may ask you to flesh out use case examples into “one-pagers” that could be distributed at the workshop or presented in a virtual “poster session” at the workshop. But, more generally, we want to hear from and reflect in this workshop as broad a swath of the census data user community as possible.

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