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asked ago by (57.7k points)
On May 19, the Census Bureau invited comments on its forthcoming request to OMB to authorize the 2021 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). Comments are due by July 20, 2020.

Proposed effort: The 2021 SIPP Panel Wave 1 cases will be interviewed about the previous calendar year, 2020, as the reference period, and will proceed with annual interviewing going forward. Calendar year 2021 SIPP will also have returning Wave 4 cases from sample year 2018 and Wave 2 cases from sample year 2020, each being interviewed about their experience during calendar year 2020. There will be no Wave 3 cases from sample year 2019 due to collection issues stemming from the lapse in Department of Commerce funding in early 2019. Those issues resulted in too few 2019 sample cases being collected in 2019, and those households were then dropped and not included in 2020 data collection activities.

The overlapping panel model will provide approximately 33,600 interviewed housing units every year to give the best design for both cross-sectional and longitudinal estimates. We will continue to provide monthly and longitudinal weights where monthly weights will incorporate all the panels in the field at that time and longitudinal weights will depend on individual panels.

The 2021 SIPP will continue to use the same interviewing method as previous SIPP Panels, in which adults (age 15 years and older) who move from the prior wave household will be followed. Consequently, future waves will incorporate data collected from the prior wave interview brought forward to the current interview as a way to reduce respondent burden and improve data quality.
Federal Register notice:  https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/05/19/2020-10655/proposed-information-collection-comment-request-survey-of-income-and-program-participation-sipp
SIPP website: https://www.census.gov/sipp/
Point of contact: Hyon B. Shin, SEHSD, Census Bureau   census.sipp@census.gov   hyon.b.shin@census.gov  301-763-6169

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