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On May 26, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the U.S. Department of Labor invited public comment on draft data collection instruments for Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs), created under President Trump's Executive Order 13801 (June 15, 2017).  Comments are due by July 27, 2020.
This data collection includes two reports for Standards Recognition Entities (SREs): (1) A program report which is required within 30 days of recognizing a new program or changing the status of a current program; and (2) a performance report which is required on an annual basis for each Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program (IRAP) they recognize.

The Department's Office of Apprenticeship (OA) will use this information for quality assurance, data collection, and performance assessment of SREs to evaluate whether an SRE complies with the Departmental regulations and standards. Specifically, OA will use the information gathered to gauge the qualifications, plans, and processes of an SRE seeking re-recognition to determine whether it meets standards defined in law and regulation. Among the required data are the industry-recognized credentials attained by apprentices for each IRAP. These program and performance reporting requirements help to demonstrate that the Department is promoting high-quality standards of apprenticeship, consistent with the directions in the National Apprenticeship Act, by requiring accountability from SREs. By enhancing oversight and accountability of SREs, these measures help the Department ensure that SREs are recognizing apprenticeship programs that adhere to the standards of high-quality apprenticeship required by the rule.  
According to ETA, SREs must annually report to the Administrator, in a format prescribed by the Administrator, and make publicly available the following information on each IRAP it recognizes:
(1) Up-to-date contact information for each IRAP;
(2) The total number of new and continuing apprentices annually training in each IRAP under an apprenticeship agreement;
(3) The total number of apprentices who successfully completed the IRAP annually;
(4) The annual completion rate for apprentices. Annual completion rate must be calculated by comparing the number of apprentices in a designated apprenticeship cohort who successfully completed the IRAP requirements and attained an industry-recognized credential with the number of apprentices in that cohort who initially began training in the IRAP;
(5) The median length of time for IRAP completion;
(6) The post-apprenticeship employment retention rate, calculated 6 and 12 months after program completion;
(7) The industry-recognized credentials attained by apprentices in an IRAP, and the annual number of such credentials attained;
(8) The annualized average earnings of an IRAP’s former apprentices, calculated over the 6 month period after IRAP completion;
(9) Training cost per apprentice; and
(10) Basic demographic information on participants.
ETA IRAPs webpage: https://www.apprenticeship.gov/employers/industry-recognized-apprenticeship-program
Draft data collection instruments & supporting statement -- https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=ETA-2020-0003  (Five documents -- click on "View All")
Federal Register notice: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/05/26/2020-11188/agency-information-collection-activities-comment-request-irap-program-and-performance-reports-for     
Presidential Executive Order 13801: Expanding Apprenticeships in America  https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/3245/
ETA point of contact: Stephen Sage, Office of Apprenticeship, ETA  (202)693-3221  sage.stephen@dol.gov

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