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The Director of the Census Bureau (Director) invites nominations for the Census Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC). In the near term, openings will exist for four qualified candidates. Nominations must be received on or before August 1, 2020.  

CSAC Objectives and Duties:    

1. The CSAC advises the Director on the full range of Census Bureau programs and activities including communications, decennial, demographic, economic, field operations, geographic, information technology, and statistics.

2. The CSAC will address census policies, research and methodology, tests, operations, communications/messaging, and other activities to ascertain needs and best practices to improve censuses, surveys, operations, and programs.

3. The CSAC will provide formal review and feedback on internal and external working papers, reports, and other documents related to the design and implementation of census programs and surveys.

CSAC members are selected from academia, public and private enterprise, and nonprofit organizations, which are further diversified by business type or industry, geography, and other factors. Individuals, groups, and/or organizations may submit nominations on behalf of candidates.

CSAC members serve for a three-year term. All members will be reevaluated at the conclusion of each term with the prospect of renewal, pending the committee needs. Active attendance and participation in meetings and activities (e.g., conference calls and assignments) will be factors considered when determining term renewal or membership continuance. Members may be appointed for a second three-year term at the discretion of the Director.  

CSAC currently has the following working groups:

Administrative Data and Third Party Data Use Working Group -- This group will offer recommendations on uses and strategies for use of administrative and third party data.

BIG Data Working Group -- This group will ascertain needs and best practices to improve censuses, surveys, operations and programs.

Construction Modernization Working Group -- This group will offer recommendations on reengineering the measurement approach to the traditional construction surveys.

Differential Privacy for 2020 Census Data Products Working Group -- This group will offer recommendations on uses and strategies for 2020 Census data products.

Federal Register notice seeking nominations:  https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/03/05/2020-04552/request-for-nominations-of-members-to-serve-on-the-census-scientific-advisory-committee
CSAC website: https://www.census.gov/about/cac/sac.html
Current CSAC members: https://www.census.gov/about/cac/sac/member-bios.html

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