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Health Care Access and Mental Health: To monitor trends in mental health, health insurance coverage, and problems accessing care, NCHS partnered with the U.S. Census Bureau on an experimental data system called the Household Pulse Survey.  This 20-minute online survey was designed to complement the ability of the federal statistical system to rapidly respond and provide relevant information about the scope of the impact of COVID-19 in the United States.

Mental Health: Tabulated data updated on a weekly basis, monitoring symptoms of anxiety and depressed mood. Data is available by age, education, gender, and race and Hispanic origin.

Health Insurance Coverage: Tabulated data are updated on a weekly basis, involving health insurance coverage (e.g. uninsured, public coverage, private coverage) for adults 18-64. Data is available by age, education, gender, and race and Hispanic origin.

Reduced Access to Care: Tabulated data are updated on a weekly basis, involving problems accessing care due to COVID-19. Data is available by age, education, gender, and race and Hispanic origin.

Washington Post, June 12: "Depression and anxiety spiked among black Americans after George Floyd’s death: Asians and African Americans show sharp increases in mental health problems amid protests, while white Americans were relatively untouched, Census Bureau finds."

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