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asked ago by (57.7k points)
Under a grant from the National Science Foundation, the National Association of State Workforce Agencies and the DirectEmployers Association are creating a National Labor Exchange (NLx) Research Hub. https://nlxresearchhub.org/

The National Labor Exchange (NLx) https://usnlx.com/ is the premier national labor exchange for the United States, making millions of authentic jobs available each day from hundreds of thousands of employers in varying industries and sizes. The mission of the NLx is to provide the most accurate and comprehensive collection of real, online job openings at no additional cost to state workforce agencies and employers.

The NLx Research Hub will provide workforce development professionals, academic researchers, and other organizations that rely on labor market information with high-quality, transparent, real-time and historical data that represents the diversity of jobs available in the United States labor market. In the future, the NLx Research Hub will also provide self-service tools to workers and employers based on real world job opening information.

The data housed on the NLx Research Hub includes job posting records from approximately 2010 to the current year. Individual job posting records may include information such as: position title, location, job description, credentialing/education requirements, and other fields.

In January 2020, there were 129,794,489 observations housed in the archival dataset with approximately 50 field headings. Though not all records and/or fields may be available to support all research requests and inquiries, this dataset represents a robust set of offerings to explore real-time job vacancy information.

Data requests should provide reasonable potential to benefit the community and the common good. Reasonable benefit to the community and the common good includes any research question that, when answered, provides some measurable advancement towards the goals outlined by the NLx Data Trust and Research Hub. The common good also includes the benefit of developing new information and knowledge that lead to new practices, policies, and other types of solutions that overcome long-standing problems facing the labor market and its actors.

The NLx Research Hub is still in development and not accepting research requests at this time. It is anticipated that future data access requests will be accepted beginning in Fall 2021.  However, if you believe you have a compelling need for the data that will be featured on the NLx Research Hub, please reach out to us at: admin@nlxresearchhub.org.  
NSF grant proposal abstract: https://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/convergence-accelerator/Award%20Listings/Track%20B%20Abstracts/B-7026-Terrell-CESER.pdf

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