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asked ago by (57.7k points)
Sept 25 -- The National Academies is seeking nominations for members of an ad hoc committee to identify issues critical to building data capacity for patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and generating new evidence to inform health care decisions. PCOR provides decision makers with objective, scientific evidence on the effectiveness of treatments, services, and other interventions used in health care.

The study will also incorporate considerations such as connecting with other data infrastructures in the Department of Health and Human Services, other Federal departments, and the private sector; implementing new developments in health information technologies; facilitating consumer/patient data donation for research; and addressing national health priorities such as coronavirus disease and other use cases relevant to federal and state health programs.

The committee will conduct three public workshops and will issue brief summaries of each workshop with conclusions. The committee will also produce a final written report with findings and conclusions to help guide the data capacity development for patient-centered research from 2021 through 2030.

See https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5872873/Building-Data-Capacity-for-Patient-Centered-Outcomes-Research-An-Agenda-for-2021-to-2030  
For more information, contact Krisztina Marton KMarton@nas.edu

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