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Nov 3 -- The Energy Information Administration (EIA) announces its proposed design for the 2021 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey Report (MECS) and invites public comment by January 4, 2021. The MECS collects information on energy consumption, expenditures, and building characteristics from establishments in the manufacturing sector.
The information from the MECS is used to publish aggregate statistics on the energy consumption of the manufacturing sector including energy used for fuel and nonfuel purposes. The survey also gathers information on energy-related issues such as energy prices, on-site electricity generation, purchases of electricity from utilities and non-utilities, and fuel switching capabilities. MECS is also used to benchmark EIA's industry forecasting model and update changes in the energy intensity and greenhouse gases data series.
EIA proposes to change the frequency of data collection for the MECS from a quadrennial collection cycle to a triennial collection cycle. The change in frequency is in response to the public and other users need for more timely EIA energy consumption data.  The MECS was last conducted in 2018.
MECS webpage: https://www.eia.gov/consumption/manufacturing/   
Draft 2021 MECS instrument: https://www.eia.gov/survey/changes/consumption/2021/   EIA says the survey instrument is unchanged from 2018.
FR notice inviting comment: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/11/03/2020-24374/agency-information-collection-extension-with-changes  
2018 MECS Supporting Statement for reference (2021 draft not available): https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewDocument?ref_nbr=201807-1905-001
Point of contact: Tom Lorenz,  Program Manager, Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), U.S. Energy Information Administration
Thomas.Lorenz@eia.gov | 202.586.3442

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