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asked ago by (57.7k points)
Dec 14 -- The Census Bureau invites the public to submit comments on the design of the 2022 Census of Governments by February 12, 2021. Specifically, Census asks the public to review 2017 Census of Government forms of interest (see https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/cog.html)​, comment on the desirability of retaining existing questions in 2022, and suggest new questions. FR notice inviting public review: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/12/14/2020-27402/2022-census-of-governments
The Census of Governments is the most comprehensive source of information about state and local governments from the national to the local level. These Census of Governments data products provide unique basic measures for U.S. state and local governments. Data include details on debt and assets, as well as revenues and expenditures and employment by government function. Published data cover approximately 90,000 state and local governments that includes approximately 3,000 counties and 35,000 cities and towns, 13,000 independent school districts, and 39,000 special districts.  
The Census of Governments provides detailed, high quality, and authoritative statistics that meet the needs of government, businesses, policymakers, academic researchers, and the American public. The program's data products provide essential information to Congress and federal agencies for planning and evaluating intergovernmental programs. Moreover, they provide the official measures of output for state and local governments and serve much of the foundation for the National Income and Product Accounts, Gross Domestic Product estimates, and other composite measures of the Nation's economic performance. These data provide benchmarks for other federal statistical series, including current surveys, such as the Justice Assistance Data Survey and Quarterly Summary of State and Local Government Tax Revenue, conducted by the Census Bureau. Census of Governments data are also used by business organizations and economic development agencies to provide insight into the complex nature and fiscal health of state and local government finances.

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