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Dec 15 -- The Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building invites public comment to inform its development of recommendations to the OMB Director on promoting the use of data for evidence building. Comments are due by February 9, 2020.
The Advisory Committee will evaluate and provide recommendations to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget on how to facilitate data sharing, data linkage, and privacy enhancing techniques in support of evidence building. As part of its evaluation, the Advisory Committee may consider best practices to improve the safe and appropriate access to data. The Advisory Committee will consider the coordination of data sharing and availability of data for evidence building across all agencies and levels of government. The FRN commentators may respond to any question and do not need to respond to all questions.

This request for comments offers researchers, evaluators, contractors, government entities, and other interested parties the opportunity to inform the Committee's work. This is a general solicitation of comments from the public. The Advisory Committee will consider all feedback and recommendations on core topics and central issues such as:

Capacity needs for secure data access and record linkage
Areas for research and development on state-of-the-art data access and data protection methods
How to protect privacy when using personally identifiable information or confidential business information in support of evidence building
How to promote transparency and facilitate public engagement with the evidence building process
Agency needs for data management and data stewardship services
How to best facilitate the needs of researchers, evaluators, and other evidence builders through a national data service or similar approach  
Ten questions on these topics, and instructions for submitting comments, are available at  https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/12/15/2020-27489/request-for-comments-for-the-advisory-committee-on-data-for-evidence-building     
Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building members and meetings webpage https://www.bea.gov/evidence

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