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Jan 1 -- The U.S. House of Representatives approved H. Res. 8, which includes the establishment of a new Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. https://rules.house.gov/bill/117/h-res-5  
The sole authority of the Select Committee shall be to investigate, study, make findings, and develop recommendations on policies, strategies, and innovations to make our economy work for everyone, empowering American economic growth while ensuring that no one is left out or behind in the 21st Century Economy. The Select Committee shall coordinate with and advise standing committees with relevant jurisdiction with respect to policy related to economic fairness, access to education, and workforce development.
The Select Committee will have 15 members -- 9 Democrats and 6 Republicans. Appointments have not been announced as yet.
Speaker Pelosi issued a press release announcing the new committee. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/123020 Excerpts:
As House Speaker, I am proud to announce the creation of the new, bipartisan Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, which will be an essential force in Congressional Democrats’ action to combat the crisis of income and wealth disparity in America.  It is molded after the mission of the Temporary National Economic Committee, founded by President Roosevelt and the Congress after the Great Depression to study and combat the concentration of wealth in America and its role in triggering economic collapse.  
The past several decades have shown with devastating clarity the marked imbalance between the financial fortunes of CEOs and workers.  The reverence of those who amass profits by stagnating wages has seriously undermined the lives and livelihoods of many Americans, while slowing economic growth in our country.  This year, the disturbing, dangerous trend of economic disparity has also been accelerated by the coronavirus economic crisis.

The devaluing of work has had a negative impact on consumer confidence, job creation and economic growth.  And the situation of families no longer believing that their children will have a brighter future than they is seriously damaging and demoralizing to our society.

That is why we are creating this Select Committee, which will be a resource to the Congress to make policy related to economic fairness, access to education and workforce development.  Working with the Committees of Jurisdiction, the Select Committee will study and recommend proposals to make our economy work for everyone, powering American economic growth while ensuring that no one is left out or left behind in the 21st Century Economy.
Temporary National Economic Committee (1938-41)  
Resolution creating https://www.loc.gov/law/help/statutes-at-large/75th-congress/session-3/c75s3ch456.pdf   
Reports and hearings: http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=United%20States.%20Temporary%20National%20Economic%20Committee

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