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June 30 -- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), invites nominations to the National Advisory Council for Healthcare Research and Quality (the Council) by August 30, 2021.  
The 20-member Council meets approximately three times a year to provide broad guidance to the Secretary and AHRQ's Director on the direction of and programs undertaken by AHRQ. The panel is comprised of private-sector experts who contribute a varied perspective on the health care system and the most important questions that AHRQ's research should address in order to promote improvements in the quality, outcomes, and cost-effectiveness of clinical practice. The private-sector members represent health care plans, providers, purchasers, consumers, and researchers.

Also serving in an ex-officio capacity are principal representatives of seven Federal agencies that address health care system issues: The National Institutes of Health (NIH); the Department of Defense (Health Affairs) (DoD); the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); the Office of Personnel Management (OPM); the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS, formerly the Health Care Financing Administration [HCFA]); and the Assistant Secretary for Health.  
Seven current members' 3-year terms will expire in November 2021. To fill these positions, we are seeking individuals who: (1) Are distinguished in the conduct of research, demonstration projects, and evaluations with respect to health care; (2) are distinguished in the fields of health care quality research or health care improvement; (3) are distinguished in the practice of medicine; (4) are distinguished in other health professions; (5) represent the private health care sector (including health plans, providers, and purchasers) or are distinguished as administrators of health care delivery systems; (6) are distinguished in the fields of health care economics, information systems, law, ethics, business, or public policy; and (7) represent the interests of patients and consumers of health care. Individuals are particularly sought with experience and success in these activities. AHRQ will accept nominations to serve on the Council in a representative capacity.  
Council website: https://www.ahrq.gov/cpi/about/organization/nac/index.html
FR notice inviting nominations:  https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/06/30/2021-13966/national-advisory-council-for-healthcare-research-and-quality-request-for-nominations-for-members

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