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July 27 -- The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) seeks information and invites comments from interested parties regarding the current and potential impact of activities connected to digital assets and related technologies on federally insured credit unions (FICUs), related entities, and the NCUA. The NCUA is broadly interested in receiving input on commenters' views in this area, including current and potential uses in the credit union system, and the risks associated with them.
The NCUA is an independent federal agency that insures shares at FICUs, protects the members who own credit unions, and charters and regulates federal credit unions (FCUs). The NCUA is charged with protecting the safety and soundness of credit unions and, in turn, the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) through regulation and supervision. The NCUA's mission is to “provide, through regulation and supervision, a safe and sound credit union system, which promotes confidence in the national system of cooperative credit.” The NCUA also works to protect credit union members and consumers. Consistent with these aims, the NCUA has statutory responsibility for a wide variety of regulations that protect the credit union system, members, and the NCUSIF.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the broad category of applications adopting peer-to-peer networks, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), and related uses, such as smart contracts, to create digital assets like cryptocurrency and crypto-assets, clearing and settlement systems, identity management systems, and record retention systems.
The NCUA is publishing this request for information with the aim of engaging the broad credit union industry and other stakeholders and learning how emerging DLT and DeFi applications are viewed and used. The NCUA hopes to learn how the credit union community is using these emerging technologies and gain additional feedback as to the role the NCUA can play in safeguarding the financial system and consumers in the context of these emerging technologies. The accelerating pace of change information technology brings, coupled with the widespread diffusion of computing power and the growing importance of networks, is raising new opportunities and challenges. In order to continue to fulfill its mandate to maintain a safe and sound credit union system and protect credit union members, the NCUA is working to better understand the implications of these changes and the associated benefits or challenges that may exist.
NCUA request for information and comments: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/07/27/2021-15948/request-for-information-and-comment-on-digital-assets-and-related-technologies

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