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The Workforce Information Advisory Council (WIAC) will be reviewing draft recommendations to Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh in virtual public meetings on August 19, 24, and 31, 2021. The public is invited to provide comments on these draft recommendations in writing or in person. Recommendation topics include: measuring the changing nature of work (remote work, contingent work, technological change); enhancing the unemployment insurance (UI) wage record to include occupation, hours worked, place of work; and increasing DOL grants to states for workforce and labor market information. Information about the meeting, including agenda and draft recommendations, are available at https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/wioa/wiac/meetings  
The WIAC is a federal advisory committee of workforce and labor market information experts representing a broad range of national, State, and local data and information users and producers. The purpose of the WIAC is to provide recommendations to the Secretary of Labor (Secretary), working jointly through the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training and the Commissioner of Labor Statistics, to address: (1) The evaluation and improvement of the nationwide workforce and labor market information (WLMI) system and statewide systems that comprise the nationwide system; and (2) how the Department and the States will cooperate in the management of those systems. These systems include programs to produce employment-related statistics and State and local workforce and labor market information.

The Department of Labor anticipates the WIAC will accomplish its objectives by: (1) Studying workforce and labor market information issues; (2) seeking and sharing information on innovative approaches, new technologies, and data to inform employment, skills training, and workforce and economic development decision making and policy; and (3) advising the Secretary on how the workforce and labor market information system can best support workforce development, planning, and program development. Additional information is available at www.dol.gov/​agencies/​eta/​wioa/​wiac/​meetings.

The WIAC is currently in the process of identifying and reviewing issues and aspects of the WLMI system and statewide systems that comprise the nationwide system and how the Department and the States will cooperate in the management of those systems. As part of this process, the Advisory Council meets to gather information and to engage in deliberative and planning activities to facilitate the development and provision of its recommendations to the Secretary in a timely manner.

The agenda topics for this series of virtual meetings are: (1) Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting; (2) remarks and discussion with Department of Labor leadership or agency staff on role of WLMI in economic recovery; (3) review and discuss reports and recommendations from the three sub-committees—Unemployment Insurance Wage Records, Changing Nature of Work, and Funding for State/Local WLMI Capacity; (4) discuss potential areas for future recommendations; and (5) comment period for the general public.  
I serve on the WIAC as the representative of research organizations and am happy to answer any questions: areamer@gwu.edu

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