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asked ago by (57.7k points)
August 16 -- Congress has requested DOE to develop a roadmap to provide researchers access to quantum systems so as to enhance the U.S. quantum research enterprise, stimulate the fledgling U.S. quantum computing industry, educate the future quantum computing workforce, and accelerate advancement of quantum computer capabilities. In collaboration with private sector stakeholders, the research facility user community, and interagency partners, the Department of Energy (DOE), through the Office of Science, intends to develop such a roadmap.  
DOE invites interested parties to provide input by September 30, 2021 on the quantum systems that DOE should include in the roadmap; how the current access models can meet the needs of quantum researchers; and the appropriate timeline and sequencing for components of the roadmap.  
DOE is interested in receiving input on the following questions:

(i) What role, if any, should Federal agencies play in mediating, facilitating, or coordinating access to non-Federal quantum systems?

(ii) What special considerations, if any, should be taken into account in accommodating the scientific communities served by these quantum systems?

(iii) What quantum systems should be included in this roadmap?

(iv) What mechanisms should be considered to assure access to quantum systems to the broadest possible user base including under-represented institutions and populations?

(v) What are the needs for user support to make effective use of access to quantum systems?

(vi) What should be the metrics for success in an access model?

(vii) How should software access be provided in conjunction with hardware access?

(viii) For competitive proposals requesting access to quantum systems, what should be the criteria in the merit review process?

(ix) What factors should be considered in adding, expanding, or reducing access to specific quantum systems as the field evolves or matures?

(x) With respect to access to various types of quantum systems, how do near-term and longer-term priorities differ?

(xi) What standard intellectual property (IP) provisions are needed to facilitate broad access to quantum systems for the public benefit?

(xii) Are there other factors, issues, or opportunities, not addressed by the questions above, which should be considered in the development of such a roadmap?  
RFI: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/08/16/2021-17520/request-for-information-access-to-quantum-systems

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