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asked ago by (58.3k points)
August 17 -- The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 and implementing guidance require Federal agencies to develop an evidence-building plan, referred to as a Learning Agenda, to identify and address questions relevant to agency programs, policies, and regulations. Through this request for information (RFI), the U.S. Department of Education seeks public input by September 16, 2021 to help identify priority questions to guide its evidence-building activities.
The Department intends to focus its FY 2022-2026 evidence-building activities on six areas that are related to achieving the Department's education mission and are consistent with the Secretary's vision for American education. We list each area below and invite stakeholders who are interested in the work of the Department for their input on (1) the most important questions about which evidence should be built in each area; (2) specific evidence-building activities that should be undertaken, either by the Department or by others with the capacity to do so, to answer those questions; and (3) areas not listed below to which the Department should pay particular attention as it refines its FY 2022-2026 Learning Agenda during this and future fiscal years. These six areas of the Learning Agenda are—

1. Addressing the impact of COVID-19 on students, schools and institutions of higher education, educators, and their communities;

2. Promoting equity in student access to educational resources, opportunities, and welcoming, safe, and inclusive environments;

3. Meeting student social, emotional, mental health, basic, and academic needs;

4. Increasing postsecondary education access, affordability, completion, and post-enrollment success;

5. Supporting a well-prepared diverse educator workforce and their professional growth to strengthen student learning; and

6. Improving Federal student aid programs.
RFI: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/08/17/2021-17625/request-for-information-on-the-department-of-educations-fiscal-year-fy-2022-2026-learning-agenda

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