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asked ago by (57.7k points)
Sept 17 -- The Social Security Administration seeks information by November 16, 2021 on potential services, supports, or DI and SSI policy changes that could promote attachment to the labor force and increase the employment and self-sufficiency of individuals receiving or applying for DI or SSI benefits, including children and youth; and to coordinate planning between private and public welfare agencies to improve the administration and effectiveness of the DI, SSI, and related programs. The input we receive will inform our deliberations about possible future demonstrations and tests.  
Social Security pays benefits to more than 12 million adults ages 18 to 64 who are unable to work due to a disability and to more than 1 million children with limited income and assets who have marked and severe functional limitations. The Commissioner of Social Security is authorized to test new program rules to promote the labor force and increase the employment and self-sufficiency of individuals receiving or applying for DI or SSI benefits, including children and youth, and to coordinate planning between private and public welfare agencies to improve the administration and effectiveness of the DI, SSI, and related programs. This RFI offers interested parties, including States, community-based and other non-profit organizations, philanthropic organizations, researchers, and members of the public, the opportunity to provide information and recommendations on effective approaches for achieving these goals.
Through this notice, we are soliciting suggestions for potential policy changes and services related to supporting DI beneficiaries, SSI recipients, and disability program applicants in their efforts to return to, remaining in, or enter the labor force. We are also soliciting suggestions for other potential demonstrations. Responses to this request may inform our decisions about future demonstrations and how to design such projects. This notice is for our internal planning purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation or as an obligation on our part or on the part of any participating Federal agencies. For each proposed idea, please be as clear as possible about:

1. The specific policy goal (e.g., increased labor force participation);

2. The target population (e.g., youth, denied applicants, potential applicants, new beneficiaries, older applicants);

3. The specific statute, regulation, or other policy being suggested for change, if any;

4. The proposed service;

5. The specific reason why the policy change or service is expected to achieve the policy goal for the target population (if available, logic models, theories of change, or other aids and evidence supporting the proposed policy change or service should be included);

6. The specific partnerships (e.g., Department of Labor, State Departments of Education, private employers, legal aid agencies), if any, we should consider to implement the demonstration; and

7. Any changes to our demonstration authorities that would be necessary to test the policy change or service.

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