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asked ago by (57.7k points)
Oct 22 -- Given the unique opportunities and challenges posed by emerging technologies, the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC)  [in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence] today announced it is prioritizing its industry outreach efforts in a select few U.S. technology sectors where the stakes are potentially greatest for U.S. economic and national security. These sectors produce technologies that may determine whether America remains the world’s leading superpower or is eclipsed by strategic competitors in the next few years. These sectors include, but are not limited to: artificial intelligence, the bio-economy, autonomous systems, quantum information science and technology, and semiconductors.    
NCSC outreach to emerging technology sectors is designed to raise awareness of nation-state threats and help these sectors protect their human talent and cutting-edge research, while not stifling their innovation and scientific collaboration. NCSC seeks to safeguard these technological sectors and allow their growth and development.
According to the 2021 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, with a more level technology playing field anticipated in the future, new technological developments will increasingly emerge from multiple countries and with less warning.  While the democratization of such technologies can be beneficial, it can also be economically, militarily, and socially destabilizing. For this reason, advances in technologies such as computing, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and manufacturing warrant extra attention to anticipate the trajectories of emerging technologies and understand their implications for security.
NCSC Fact Sheet – Protecting Critical and Emerging U.S. Technologies from Foreign Threats https://www.dni.gov/index.php/ncsc-newsroom/item/2254-ncsc-fact-sheet-protecting-critical-and-emerging-u-s-technologies-from-foreign-threats

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