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Nov 17 -- Topics this year include the CCP's ambitions and challenges at its centennial, China’s influence in Latin America and the Caribbean, the CCP's economic and technological ambitions, the Chinese government’s evolving control of the corporate sector, U.S.-China financial connectivity and risks to U.S. national security, China’s nuclear forces, Chinese military capabilities and decision-making for a war over Taiwan, Hong Kong’s government embracing authoritarianism, and a review of economics, trade, security, political, and foreign affairs developments in 2021.
Report: https://www.uscc.gov/annual-report/2021-annual-report-congress  
2021 hearings on economic subjects:  
U.S.-China Relations in 2021: Emerging Risks (9/8) https://www.uscc.gov/hearings/us-china-relations-2021-emerging-risks
An Assessment of the CCP’s Economic Ambitions, Plans, and Metrics of Success (4/15) https://www.uscc.gov/hearings/assessment-ccps-economic-ambitions-plans-and-metrics-success  
U.S. Investment in China's Capital Markets and Military-Industrial Complex (3/19) https://www.uscc.gov/hearings/us-investment-chinas-capital-markets-and-military-industrial-complex   
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created by the United States Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor, investigate, and submit to Congress an annual report on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, and to provide recommendations, where appropriate, to Congress for legislative and administrative action.

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