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Dec 1 -- The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) seeks public input on the implementation of the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act.
On November 15, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58 (Nov. 15, 2021). The BIL is a once-in-a-generation investment in infrastructure, which will grow the economy, enhance U.S. competitiveness in the world, create good jobs, and make the U.S. economy more sustainable, resilient, and equitable. It includes the largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the Interstate System, and the largest investment in electric vehicle charging infrastructure in history. Specific to FHWA, the BIL provides more than $350 billion over 5 fiscal years (FY 22-26) for surface transportation programs. This represents, on an average annual basis, nearly 29 percent more Federal-aid funding for highway programs and activities than under prior law, and it also establishes more than a dozen new highway programs.
The BIL focuses on investing in safety, bridges, equity and reconnecting communities, addressing climate change, and promoting resilience. In addition, there are several new programs offering new opportunities for local governments and other non-traditional entities to receive highway funding. For specifics, including state fact sheets, see https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law/

Through this RFI, FHWA is soliciting information and suggestions from the public and a broad array of stakeholders across public and private sectors on how best to facilitate FHWA's implementation of the BIL. This RFI is intended to solicit information on: (i) Potential opportunities and challenges for implementing new BIL programs; (ii) potential opportunities and challenges for implementing existing programs modified by the BIL; (iii) solutions or suggestions as to how FHWA might implement the BIL; (iv) necessity for additional guidance, FAQs, or program changes; and (v) areas requiring new and continued research.

Although FHWA is seeking comments on the new programs and other changes in the BIL, FHWA is particularly interested in any comments on how best it can implement highway formula programs continued by the BIL. For example, the BIL continues the Surface Transportation Block Program, with some additional eligibilities, under 23 U.S.C. 133. The FHWA is interested not only in comments on the new eligibilities, but also if there are additional opportunities to make improvements or changes to the existing program as FHWA implements the BIL. The same goes for other existing programs such as the National Highway Performance Program, the Highway Safety Improvement Program, the National Highway Freight Program, and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program.
Most of the FHWA-specific provisions of the BIL are contained in Title I of Division A (pp. 20-490) and in Title VIII of Division J (pp. 2600-2678) https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3684/text  
FR notice requesting information: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/12/01/2021-26145/infrastructure-and-investment-jobs-act-request-for-information

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