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Dec 15 -- The National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Department of Commerce invites nomination of individuals for appointment to the National Technical Information Service Advisory Board (Board or Committee). NTIS will accept nominations on a rolling basis. Members to fill the existing vacancies will be selected from nominations submitted by 5:00 p.m. on March 25th, 2022.  
Objectives and Duties
1. The NTIS Advisory Board shall review and make recommendations to improve NTIS programs, operations, and general policies in support of NTIS's mission to advance Federal data priorities, promote economic growth, and enable operational excellence by providing innovative data services to Federal agencies through joint venture partnerships with the private sector.

2. The Board shall report to the Secretary of Commerce and to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology through the Director of NTIS.

3. The Board shall act in the public interest to:
a. Provide advice on the optimal data services business and operating model to best implement NTIS's joint venture authority.
b. Provide advice on the means, including infrastructure and process improvements, to make Federal data easier to find, access, use, analyze, and combine.
c. Assess progress in evolving NTIS programs toward a focus on Federal data priorities.
d. Assess the use of merit-based criteria and processes to plan, conduct, and oversee programs and projects, including the selection of joint venture partners.
e. Assess policies in connection with fees and charges for NTIS services in order for the agency to operate on a substantially self-sustaining basis, as required by law.
f. Assess organizational capabilities required to carry out NTIS's mission, including capabilities in data science and for operational management of its project portfolio.
Members shall be selected solely on the basis of established records of distinguished service and objectivity; shall have recognized expertise in data collection, compilation, analysis, use, and dissemination, as well as data science, information technology, cybersecurity, and privacy. Members will be selected from the business, academic, non-profit, and state and local government communities. Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure members represent the entire spectrum of Federal data interests including demographic, economic, trade, health, scientific, patent, environmental, geospatial, cybersecurity, and transactional data. Collectively, their knowledge will include all types of data the Federal Government collects, compiles, analyzes, uses, and disseminates.
NTIS website: https://www.ntis.gov/
NTIS Advisory Board webpage: https://www.ntis.gov/about/advisorybd/index.xhtml
NTIS Advisory Board webpage @FACAdatabase: https://www.facadatabase.gov/FACA/apex/FACAPublicCommittee?id=a10t0000001gzjcAAA
FR notice inviting nominations: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/12/15/2021-27094/request-for-nominations-for-members-to-serve-on-the-national-technical-information-service-ntis

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