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Mar 3 -- The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Department of Energy (DOE), invites public comment on the proposed three year extension, with changes, to Form EIA-846 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey Report (Quadrennial), which collects information on energy consumption, expenditures, and building characteristics from establishments in the manufacturing sector. EIA must receive all comments on this proposed information collection no later than May 2, 2022.
Form EIA-846, is a self-administered sample survey that collects energy consumption and expenditures data from establishments in the manufacturing sector; i.e., North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) sector codes 31-33. The information from this survey is used to publish aggregate statistics on the energy consumption of the manufacturing sector including energy used for fuel and nonfuel purposes. The survey also gathers information on energy-related issues such as energy prices, on-site electricity generation, purchases of electricity from utilities and non-utilities, and fuel switching capabilities. MECS is also used to benchmark EIA's industry forecasting model and update changes in the energy intensity and greenhouse gases data series.
EIA proposes adding a few questions to the Energy Management section of Form EIA-846 requesting information on an establishment's average processing temperatures and the range of these temperatures across different processes within the establishment. The purpose of these questions is to assist in the measurement of energy efficiency and better understand its relation to the use of process heat across manufacturing industries, consistent with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act).

In addition, EIA proposes adding a few follow up questions to the Electricity: Generated Onsite section of Form EIA-846. The electricity generated onsite questions on Form EIA-846 request information about renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and geothermal, used to generate electricity onsite. The follow up questions EIA proposes to Form EIA-846 would request information about the use of electricity generated from renewable energy sources that may be shared across more than one establishment. The purpose of these questions is to better understanding the technology, equipment, and infrastructure that may be shared among manufacturing establishments. This change is consistent with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act).  
MECS webpage, including current survey form: https://www.eia.gov/consumption/manufacturing/about.php
FR notice inviting comment: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-04470

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