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Parallel request for comments by Department of Commerce on the other Framework pillars at https://www.aeaweb.org/forum/2431/pacific-economic-framework-commerce-input-supply-chain-energy

Mar 10 -- The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is seeking public comments on matters relevant to the Fair and Resilient Trade pillar, including U.S. interests and priorities, in order to develop U.S. negotiating objectives and positions and identify potential partners. The deadline for the submission of written comments is April 11, 2022.

On October 27, 2021, President Biden announced that the United States would explore the development of an IPEF that will contain multiple pillars covering key areas of interest, including fair and resilient trade. Negotiating an agreement under the Fair and Resilient Trade pillar is an important step towards strengthening U.S. economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific region and promoting durable, broad-based economic growth. Under the Fair and Resilient Trade pillar, the Administration aims to develop high-standard, worker-centered commitments in the following areas:

Environment and climate
Digital economy
Transparency and good regulatory practices
Competition policy
Trade facilitation

The United States will build upon high-standard trade commitments and develop new approaches in trade policy to advance a broad set of worker-centered priorities, and promote durable, broad-based economic growth. At this time, the Administration is not seeking to address tariff barriers.

The Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) invites interested parties to submit comments to assist USTR as it develops negotiating objectives and positions for the IPEF trade pillar. In particular, the TPSC invites interested parties to comment on issues that USTR should address in the negotiations, including the following:

1. General negotiating objectives for the proposed agreement.
2. Labor-related matters.
3. Environment and climate-related matters.
4. Digital economy-related matters.
5. Agriculture-related matters.
6. Transparency and good regulatory practice issues.
7. Competition-related matters.
8. Customs and trade facilitation issues.
9. Issues of particular relevance to small and medium-sized businesses that should be addressed in the negotiations.
10. Other measures or practices, including those of third-country entities, which undermine fair market opportunities for U.S. workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses.

FACT SHEET: Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States (2/11) https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/02/11/fact-sheet-indo-pacific-strategy-of-the-united-states/
Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/U.S.-Indo-Pacific-Strategy.pdf

FR notice inviting input on Trade pillar: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-05044

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