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Apr 7 -- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Department of Transportation (DOT), invites comments by June 6, 2022 on the proposed new Survey of Driver Awareness of Motorcycles.

NHTSA is seeking approval to collect information from two samples of randomly selected adults who are aged 18 years or older and have driven a motor vehicle at least once in the past three months for a new one-time voluntary survey to report their knowledge, attitudes, and awareness of safe-driving behaviors towards motorcycles. One sample consists of adult drivers residing in Florida and the other sample consists of adult drivers residing in Pennsylvania. Surveys would be conducted with respondents using an address-based sampling design that encourages respondents to complete the survey online. NHTSA will contact a total of 33,460 to achieve a target of at least 2,486 complete voluntary responses consisting of 1,243 completed instruments from the Florida sample and 1,243 completed instruments from the Pennsylvania sample. The large geographic and demographic sizes of Florida and Pennsylvania allow for complex driving environments in which motorcycles and passenger vehicles operate in a range of traffic conditions. Notably, neither State has a universal motorcycle helmet use law, but each has a sizable population of registered motorcycles and varied helmet use rates. For example, in 2019, 52 percent of motorcyclists killed in Florida and 51 percent of motorcyclists killed in Pennsylvania were not helmeted.
Proposed Survey on Driver Awareness of Motorcycles -- technical documentation: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oqidt8mrzkh5ijx/AADHoTmqIFmDDX16BrxbrD27a?dl=0
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-07358

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