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2020 Census Data Products: Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files
June 21–23, 2022                           Hybrid format, virtual/online and in-person in Washington, DC

The planning committee for this second Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) Workshop on 2020 Census Data Products is pleased to issue this public call for input. Our intent is to perform a broad sweep of users and use cases of the detailed data planned for release in the Census Bureau’s Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) files, the successor to the Summary File of previous censuses.

The Census Bureau released Demonstration DHC data that apply 2020 Census disclosure avoidance methodology to 2010 Census data, and requested public feedback by May 16. We want and need to hear from prospective users of the 2020 DHC files — regardless of whether you have already provided feedback to the Census Bureau on the Demonstration data.

We recognize that time until the June 21–23 workshop is extremely short (just as it was with the first workshop on 2020 Census data products in December 2019) and regret any inconvenience, but this is a critical time for finalizing schema for census data. We want to hear about the need for highly detailed census tabulations at fine levels of geographic and demographic detail and the potential impacts of the new disclosure avoidance methodology on the fitness-for-use of the data.

Use cases of DHC data that are of interest include but are not limited to:

 Applications that make use of DHC information on housing units as well as on persons;
 Interaction with federal surveys, and the administration of federal, state, local, and tribal programs;
 Transportation, education, and other regional and local planning activities;
 Demographic analyses such as age (single year of age, age categories (e.g., 20-24), race and ethnicity;
 Small populations, including the group quarters/non-household population; and
 Traditionally hard-to-reach communities, such as rural populations and households with young children.

What we need at this point are brief responses, signals of interest — indications of whether you plan to scrutinize the Demonstration products and whether you have a case study or an application of DHCtype data that you think would be good to showcase at the workshop. Self-nominations are very welcome, as are suggestions of use cases that you think need to be heard. Submitting a comment is not a guarantee of inclusion in the workshop agenda — we may be back in touch with you about presenting/discussing at the workshop, either in-person or virtually. But we are seeking to assess the terrain of possible presentations through this call.

To answer this Call for Input, please email Katrina Stone (kstone@nas.edu). Brief replies by Wednesday, May 18, or earlier would be most helpful. In addition to briefly describing your DHC data use case, please include your name and affiliation; it would also be very useful to mention whether you provided direct feedback to the Census Bureau, and whether you anticipate that your analysis of the Demonstration data will be complete and presentable at or before the June 21–23, workshop.

Call for Input: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jw05skqn5sqm0z/CSAC%20deliverable-differential-privacy-working-group.pdf?dl=0

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