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June 21 -- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is soliciting nomination for candidates to the Industrial Technology Innovation Advisory Committee (Committee). Deadline for Advisory Committee member nominations is August 1, 2022.

The Committee will advise the Secretary of Energy (Secretary) with respect to the Industrial Emissions Reductions Technology Development Program (the program) [created by Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Public Law 110-140, as amended by P.L. 116-260 (hereafter, “EISA”)] by:

identifying and evaluating any technologies being developed by the private sector relating to the focus areas described in section 454(c) of the EISA; identifying technology gaps in the private sector or other Federal agencies in those focus areas, and making recommendations on how to address those gaps; surveying and analyzing factors that prevent the adoption of emissions reduction technologies by the private sector; and
recommending technology screening criteria for technology developed under the program to encourage adoption of the technology by the private sector.

The Committee shall also develop a strategic plan on how to achieve the program's goals and, in consultation with the Secretary and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (Director), propose missions and goals for the program consistent with the purposes of the program described in section 454(b)(1) of the EISA. [For reference, 42 USC 17113 authorizes program https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/17113; 42 USC 17114 authorizes advisory committee https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/17114.]

(b) Industrial emissions reduction technology development program
(1) In general: Not later than 1 year after December 27, 2020, the Secretary, in consultation with the Director, the heads of relevant Federal agencies, National Laboratories, industry, and institutions of higher education, shall establish a crosscutting industrial emissions reduction technology development program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application to advance innovative technologies that—
  (A) increase the technological and economic competitiveness of industry and manufacturing in the United States;
  (B) increase the viability and competitiveness of United States industrial technology exports; and
  (C) achieve emissions reduction in nonpower industrial sectors.

(c) Focus areas
The program shall focus on—
(1) industrial production processes, including technologies and processes that—
  (A) achieve emissions reduction in high emissions industrial materials production processes, including production processes for iron, steel, steel mill products, aluminum, cement, concrete, glass, pulp, paper, and industrial ceramics;
  (B) achieve emissions reduction in medium- and high-temperature heat generation, including—
    (i) through electrification of heating processes;
    (ii) through renewable heat generation technology;
    (iii) through combined heat and power; and
    (iv) by switching to alternative fuels, including hydrogen and nuclear energy;
  (C) achieve emissions reduction in chemical production processes, including by incorporating, if appropriate and practicable, principles, practices, and methodologies of sustainable chemistry and engineering;
  (D) leverage smart manufacturing technologies and principles, digital manufacturing technologies, and advanced data analytics to develop advanced technologies and practices in information, automation, monitoring, computation, sensing, modeling, and networking to—
    (i) model and simulate manufacturing production lines;
    (ii) monitor and communicate production line status;
    (iii) manage and optimize energy productivity and cost throughout production; and
    (iv) model, simulate, and optimize the energy efficiency of manufacturing processes;
  (E) leverage the principles of sustainable manufacturing to minimize the potential negative environmental impacts of manufacturing while conserving energy and resources, including—
    (i) by designing products that enable reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling;
    (ii) by minimizing waste from industrial processes, including through the reuse of waste as other resources in other industrial processes for mutual benefit; and
    (iii) by increasing resource efficiency; and
  (F) increase the energy efficiency of industrial processes;
(2) alternative materials that produce fewer emissions during production and result in fewer emissions during use, including—
  (A) high-performance lightweight materials; and
  (B) substitutions for critical materials and minerals;
(3) development of net-zero emissions liquid and gaseous fuels;
(4) emissions reduction in shipping, aviation, and long distance transportation;
(5) carbon capture technologies for industrial processes;
(6) other technologies that achieve net-zero emissions in nonpower industrial sectors, as determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the Director; and
(7) high-performance computing to develop advanced materials and manufacturing processes contributing to the focus areas described in paragraphs (1) through (6), including—
  (A) modeling, simulation, and optimization of the design of energy efficient and sustainable products; and
  (B) the use of digital prototyping and additive manufacturing to enhance product design.
(8) incorporation of sustainable chemistry and engineering principles, practices, and methodologies, as the Secretary determines appropriate; and
(9) other research or technology areas identified in the Strategic Plan authorized in section 17114 of this title.

The Committee shall be comprised of not fewer than 16 members and not more than 20 members, who shall be appointed by the Secretary, in consultation with the Director. The members shall be appointed by the Secretary, in consultation with the Director, to serve as representatives, Federal Government employees, and special Government employees (SGEs) in accordance with the following membership requirements articulated in the EISA:

Not less than 1 representative of each relevant Federal agency, as determined by the Secretary;
Chair of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, if that position is filled;
Not less than 2 representatives of labor groups;
Not less than 3 representatives of the research community, which shall include academia and National Laboratories;
Not less than 2 representatives of nongovernmental organizations;
Not less than 6 representatives of small- and large-scale industry, the collective expertise of which shall cover every focus area described in section 454(c) of EISA;
Not less than 1 representative of a State government; and
Any other individuals the Secretary, in coordination with the Director, determines to be necessary to ensure that the Committee is comprised of a diverse group of representatives of industry, academia, independent researchers, and public and private entities.

The Committee members will serve for a term of up to two years, and may be reappointed for up to two successive terms. Appointments may be made in a manner that allows the terms of the members serving at any time to expire at spaced intervals to ensure continuity in the functioning of the Committee. Committee members will serve at the discretion of the Secretary. The Chairperson of the Committee will be selected by the Secretary. The Chairperson will serve a two-year term and may be reappointed for an additional term. Committee members will meet periodically, approximately twice a year. When vacancies occur, the Secretary will, in consultation with the Director, identify appointment nominees who can address the Committee's needs pursuant to EISA. Subcommittee membership is drawn from that of the full Committee and thus reflects much of the balance described previously. Additionally, technical experts may be appointed to the subcommittee in order to provide additional expertise and fulfill any lacking points of view relative to the subcommittee's mission/function.

Members must be able to actively participate in the tasks of the Committee including, but not limited to, attending, and participating in in-person meetings, reviewing materials, and regularly participating in conference calls, working groups, and formal subcommittees. The Secretary will consider nominees who can best support, in an advisory capacity.

FACA database webpage on advisory committee: https://www.facadatabase.gov/FACA/apex/FACAPublicCommittee?id=a10t000000LZEgQAAX
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-13186

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