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Brian Deese Remarks on President Biden’s Competition Agenda

. . . For President Biden, a strong competition policy is an indispensable part of an economic strategy for the twenty-first century.  He believes driving structural changes that promote competition across the economy holds the prospect of generating more innovation, productivity, and opportunity in America, while lowering prices for consumers and raising wages for workers.

For decades, the competitive attributes of our economy have been atrophying.  Most industries have become less competitive.  Both consumers and workers have been left with fewer options.

Reversing these trends is a significant task. It amounts to turning around the proverbial aircraft carrier.  But now, one year in, we can begin to see the ship turning in the right direction.  We’ve already delivered on many key promises, with more announcements coming soon.  And under the direction of the President’s executive order—and through our White House Competition Council—we are changing how the government approaches competition policy, and indeed economic policy.  If done right, these changes will pay dividends for years to come as we continue the hard work of shifting course.

Today, I’d like to address the competition challenges we face, the progress we’ve made during the last year, and the work that lies ahead. . . .

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