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Aug 17 -- The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) aims to complete a cross-site evaluation of SAMHSA's SPF-Rx grant program and invites comments on the proposed data collection by October 17, 2022.

SPF-Rx is designed to address nonmedical use of prescription drugs as well as opioid overdoses by raising awareness about the dangers of sharing medications and by working with pharmaceutical and medical communities on the risks of overprescribing. The SPF-Rx program aims to promote collaboration between states/tribes and pharmaceutical and medical communities to understand the risks of overprescribing to youth ages 12-17 and adults 18 years of age and older. The program also aims to enhance capacity for, and access to, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data for prevention purposes. This request for data collection includes a revision from previously approved Office of Management and Budget (OMB) instruments.

The SPF-Rx program's indicators of success are reductions in opioid overdoses, reduction in prescription drug misuse and improved use of PDMP data. Data collected through the tools described in this statement will be used for the national cross-site evaluation of SAMHSA's SPF-Rx program. This package covers continued data collection through 2023. The Program Evaluation for Prevention Control (PEPC) team will systematically collect and maintain an Annual Reporting Tool (ART) and Grantee and Community Level Outcomes data modules submitted by SPF-Rx grantees through the online Data Management System (DMS).

SAMHSA is requesting approval for data collection for the SPF-Rx cross-site evaluation with the following instruments:

Annual Reporting Tool (ART)—The ART is a survey instrument collected yearly to monitor state, tribal entity, and community-level performance, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the SPF-Rx program. This tool is completed by grantees and sub-recipient community project directors and provides process data related to funding use and effectiveness, organizational capacity, collaboration with community partners, data infrastructure, planned intervention targets, intervention implementation, evaluation, contextual factors, training and technical assistance (T/TA) needs, and sustainability.

Grantee-and Community-Level Outcomes Modules—These modules collect data on key SPF-Rx program outcomes, including opioid prescribing patterns and provider use of PDMP. Grantees will provide outcomes data at the grantee level for their state, tribal area, or jurisdiction, as well as at the community level for each of their sub-recipient communities.

Grantee-Level Interview—This qualitative interview will be administered at the end of the evaluation to obtain information from the grantee project directors on their programs, staffing, populations of focus, infrastructure, capacity, lessons learned, and collaboration.

SPR Rx grant awards 2021 https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/awards/2021/SP-21-001
Prior (May 2020) submission to OMB: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202005-0930-001
Draft ICR materials requested from SAMHSA by AEA.
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-17720

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