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[news release] The 2020 Census Evaluations and Experiments (EAE) operation is one component of our 2020 Census Data Quality efforts, designed to document and evaluate 2020 Census programs and operations, as well as to test new methods suggested from previous research. Results from the 2020 Census EAE operation serve as the background or basis for designing, testing, and implementing the 2030 Census. 

The 2020 Census EAE consists of more than 65 studies. The first reports from these studies were released on August 18, 2022. The studies consist primarily of operational assessments, but also include evaluations, experiments, quality control profiles, and a topic report. The list of planned studies by type, descriptions of each type, and tentatively scheduled completion dates are viewable below [website].  The results from some of these studies will not be released publicly because of the proprietary or restricted nature of the information.

Evaluations--These studies aim to describe the effectiveness of census components and the impact that they have on topics such as data quality and coverage. These reports present analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data pertaining to decennial census operations, processes, systems, and auxiliary data collections. 

Experiments--These studies identify potential topics for early 2030 Census life cycle research and testing. Experiments are quantitative or qualitative studies that must occur during a decennial census to produce results that are meaningful for the planners of the next one. In general, decennial census experiments involve comparisons (usually of response rates) between a control group that reflects 2020 Census production methods or procedures and a treatment group(s) that tests modifications to them.

Operational Assessments--These studies document final volumes, rates, and costs for individual operations or processes using data from production files and activities and information collected from debriefings and lessons learned. They do not include evaluative analyses. Operational assessments present planned versus actual variances as they relate to budget, schedule, and workloads (production and training). Depending on the operation, the assessment may include frequency distributions and standard demographic or address tables.

Quality Control Profiles--These studies provide results from the quality control activities associated with a specific operation.  These profile reports present a more in-depth discussion on the topic of quality control than what appears in the corresponding operational assessment report. 

Topic Report


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