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1) Jan 17 -- This is a Request for Information (RFI) issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of State and Community Energy Programs. The intent of this request is to inform DOE on best practices for the Home Energy Rebate programs to support durable market demand for installations that improve housing energy performance nationwide. The Home Energy Rebate programs are comprised of two provisions authorizing $8.8 billion in spending from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (Sec. 50121 and Sec. 50122 of Pub. L. 117-169). Responses to this RFI will be used to create program guidance that will assist states, territories, and Indian Tribes in designing, managing, and improving Home Energy Rebate programs. The goal is to collect information that will ultimately support states, territories, and Indian Tribes in creating Home Energy Rebate programs that effectively serve U.S. households with technology products and services that reduce energy bills, increase home comfort, improve indoor air quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

On Aug. 16, 2022, President Joseph R. Biden signed the landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) into law (Pub. L. 117-169). The law includes $391 billion to support clean energy and address climate change, including rebates for home energy efficiency and electrification projects. Specifically, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes two provisions together authorizing $8.8 billion in rebates relevant to this RFI:
• Section 50121: Home Energy Performance-Based, Whole House Rebates (Referred to as Home Efficiency Rebates)
• Section 50122: High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program (Referred to as Home Electrification Rebates)
Together, these provisions are referred to as the Home Energy Rebate programs. These provisions authorize the following:

• $4,300,000,000 in formula grants to State Energy Offices to carry out Home Efficiency Rebate programs. (Section 50121 of the IRA)
• $4,275,000,000 in formula grants to State Energy Offices to carry out Home Electrification Rebate programs. (Section 50122 of the IRA)
• $225,000,000 in formula grants to Indian Tribes to carry out Home Electrification Rebate programs. (Section 50122 of the IRA)

While federal rebates can be used to fund complementary upgrades, the IRA restricts applying both types of rebates to a single upgrade, and similarly restricts combinations with other Federal grants or rebates for a single upgrade. The rebates, can however, be used in combination with tax incentives for energy-related home improvements. The Home Energy Rebate programs will help American households save money on energy bills, upgrade to clean energy equipment and improve energy efficiency, and reduce indoor and outdoor air pollution. DOE estimates that the home energy efficiency and electrification consumer rebates authorized will save households up to $1 billion annually. More information about the Home Energy Rebate programs can be found at https://www.energy.gov/scep/home-energy-rebate-programs

U.S. DOE’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs is working to distribute these funds so that households across the country can soon access these benefits. Congress has structured these rebate programs to be developed and implemented by State Energy Offices and Indian Tribes, with DOE providing guidance, support, and oversight. DOE is seeking to build upon the agency’s knowledge of home energy efficiency and electrification technologies, tools, and programs through this RFI.  

The purpose of this RFI is to solicit input from states, local governments, energy contractors, labor organizations, manufacturers of energy efficient and electrification equipment and materials, community-based organizations, environmental and housing justice organizations, disadvantaged communities, other stakeholders, and Indian Tribes to inform the U.S. Department of Energy’s program guidance for home efficiency and electrification rebate programs.
Responses to this RFI will be used to create program guidance and needed tools that will assist states, territories, and Indian Tribes, as well as potentially other entities, in designing, managing, and improving Home Energy Rebate programs. The goal is to collect information that will ultimately support creation of Home Energy Rebate programs that effectively serve U.S. households with technology, products and services that reduce energy bills, increase home comfort, improve indoor air quality, and reduce carbon emissions. SCEP does not intend to respond to individual submissions or publish a compendium of responses. Respondents are encouraged to provide input only on questions of relevance or interest to them. For any questions answered via an emailed word document, please include the question number prior to each response.
Question topics:

Accessible and Equitable Program Design (11 questions)
Additional Design Considerations Specific to Indian Tribes (4)
Designing Programs for Maximum Impact (11)
Integrating Existing Incentives & Programs (4)
Opt-In Tools, Resources, Technical Assistance, and Partnerships (5)  
Income Verification (3)
Estimating and Measuring Energy Savings (6)
Eligible Technologies for Rebates (3)
Data Access and Sharing (2)
Compliance and Quality Assurance (3)
Job Creation & Quality (3)
Buy America and Supply Chain Considerations (2)
Open Response (2)
RFI: https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/Default.aspx#FoaId01172e95-5645-4356-8f3b-96fd144f9213

2) Jan 31 -- FRN: Notice of Request for Information (RFI) Regarding Inflation Reduction Act Home Efficiency and Electrification Rebate Programs

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) invites public input for its Request for Information (RFI) number DE-FOA-DE-FOA-0002981 regarding the development of best practices for the Home Energy Rebate programs in accordance with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Responses to this RFI will be used for planning purposes to develop one or multiple opportunities to assist states, territories, Indian Tribes, as well as potentially other entities, in designing, managing, and improving the Home Energy Rebate programs. Responses to the RFI must be received no later than 8 p.m. EDT on March 3, 2023.  


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