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Apr 7 -- Comment period extended to April 19, 2023. https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-07269

Mar 2 -- The Greenhouse Gas Monitoring & Measurement Interagency Working Group (GHG IWG)--established by the Office of Science & Technology Policy, White House Climate Policy Office, and Office of Management and Budget--seeks public input on the draft Federal Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Monitoring & Information System (GHGMIS Strategy). The GHG IWG will use information received to 1) inform the drafting of the final version of the GHGMIS Strategy and 2) in discussions on potential partnerships related to demonstration projects. Comments are requested on or before April 4, 2023. Early comments are encouraged.

The Greenhouse Gas Monitoring & Measurement Interagency Working Group (GHG IWG) was established by the Office of Science & Technology Policy, White House Climate Policy Office, and Office of Management and Budget in 2022 to enhance coordination on existing capabilities and opportunities for enhancing measurement and quantification of GHG emissions and removals. In addition to the White House offices mentioned above, the GHG IWG includes the following United States (U.S.) federal agencies listed in alphabetical order: Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Commerce (including the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA), Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Interior (DOI), Department of State (State), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NASA, and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

The draft GHGMIS Strategy developed by the GHG IWG outlines a framework for an integrated U.S. GHG monitoring & information system, near-term strategies to advance the system, and areas of interest for demonstration projects.

The GHG IWG is seeking public comments on the draft GHGMIS Strategy in recognition of the significant expertise on this topic that exists outside of government and the growing interest by companies, non-governmental organizations, and local and state agencies in generating or using GHG emissions data.

The RFI requests information on the following themes: . . .
Draft strategy: https://go.nasa.gov/USGGMIDraftFederalStrategy
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-04328

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