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Apr 14 -- The NSF Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) invites comments to OMB by May 18, 2023 regarding the proposed evaluation of the CISE Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program. [Comments are due 30 days from submission to OMB on April 18, 2023.]

Every year the National Science Foundation (NSF) funds hundreds of Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) activities through its REU program. The Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) is seeking to evaluate the effectiveness of the CISE REU program.

The REU program provides undergraduate students at US higher education institutions with opportunities to work with faculty on a research project. They can take the form of REU Sites or REU Supplements. REU Sites are based on independent proposals to initiate and conduct projects that engage a number of students in research. REU Supplements are included as a component of proposals for new or renewal NSF grants or cooperative agreements or may be requested for ongoing NSF-funded research projects.

By offering this opportunity to undergraduate students, the REU program seeks to expand student participation in all kinds of research — both disciplinary and interdisciplinary—encompassing efforts by individual investigators, groups, centers, national facilities, and others. The REU experience integrates research and education to attract a diverse pool of talented students into careers in science and engineering, including teaching and education research related to science and engineering.

The current data collection project intends to measure the impact of the undergraduate REU Sites and REU Supplements programs sponsored by NSF CISE. The project will conduct online surveys to track NSF CISE REU participants over time—including pre-program, post-program, and one-year post-program measurement—alongside two comparison groups: (1) students participating in other undergraduate research, and (2) students who do not participate in research. The researchers will supplement REU participants' survey data with basic REU information and perceptions of impact from NSF CISE REU Principal Investigators (PIs). The evaluation and research questions guiding this project include the following:

1. Who are the students reached through the NSF REU Program, and how do they compare to students participating in other types of research experiences and to students in the broader CISE community?
2. How do CISE REU Sites and REU Supplements differ from other research experiences (e.g., other REUs, internships, and independent research projects)?
3. To what extent are the goals of the NSF REU Program being met by the individual projects within the program, including recruitment and retention of students in science and engineering fields and increasing diversity in these fields?
4. In what ways does participation in REU Sites, REU Supplements, internships, and/or other independent research experiences impact student attitudes and pathways to CISE careers and other research experiences?
5. In what ways does participation in the REU Sites and REU Supplements impact recruitment and retention of students who are underrepresented in computing?

Ultimately, the findings from this data collection will be used to understand and improve the impact of the CISE REU program, including increasing recruitment and retention in science and engineering and promoting a diverse group of computing/STEM careers.

There will be four types of respondents: NSF CISE REU Site and Supplement participants, a comparison group of undergraduate students who participate in other, non-NSF REU research experiences, a comparison group of undergraduate students who do not participate in research, and NSF CISE REU PIs.

NSF CISE REU participants will include undergraduate students who participate in REU projects in which the project's Principal Investigator chooses to use NSF-sponsored program evaluation services. Participants from the two comparison groups will be identified and recruited from a pool of undergraduates in computing fields who have participated in a prior survey of the Computing Research Association and have agreed to be contacted for future data collection. The participating NSF CISE REU PIs will also complete PI REU Information Forms at the beginning and end of their REUs.

The study's data collection activities will occur over an 18-month period. It is estimated that during this time, there will be approximately 1,188 NSF CISE REU survey respondents, 1,175 comparison group survey respondents, and 100 NSF CISE REU PI respondents, for a total of 2,463 respondents.

Each NSF CISE REU site participant will be asked to complete three surveys: (1) a pre-test before they begin their REU project; (2) a post-test, after their REU ends; and (3) a one-year follow-up survey. Within the data collection timeline for this project, this will allow for one full data collection cohort, plus a subset of Cohort 1 CISE REU site participants who will only complete a follow-up survey. For cohort 2, NSF CISE REU supplement participants will only complete a follow-up survey. Each comparison group participant, including both those with a different research experience and those with no research experience, will be asked to complete a pre-test survey and a follow-up survey occurring approximately one year later. Within the data collection timeline for this project, there will be one full data collection cycle for comparison group participants, plus a subset of Cohort 1 comparison group participants who will only complete a follow-up survey. Each NSF CISE REU PI will complete an Evaluation Interest Form to enroll in the evaluation, a Time 1 PI REU Information Form before their REU begins, and a Time 2 REU PI Information Form when their REU ends. Within the data collection timeline for this project, there will be one full data collection cycle for the REU PIs.

NSF submission to OMB: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202304-3145-001 Click IC List for information collection instrument, View Supporting Statement for technical documentation. Submit comments through this webpage.
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-07943

For AEA members wishing to submit comments, "A Primer on How to Respond to Calls for Comment on Federal Data Collections" is available at https://www.aeaweb.org/content/file?id=5806

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