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June 23 -- The U.S. Geological Survey, Interior, invites comments on or before August 22, 2023 regarding Science and Data for Water-Hazards Response.

The United States is facing growing challenges related to water availability and quality due to shifting demographics, aging water-delivery infrastructure, the impacts of climate change, and increasing hazards risk, like floods and drought. Working with incomplete knowledge, managers must consider the needs of various demographic groups and economic sectors when making management decisions and responding to emergencies. To improve delivery of effective science to support decision-making, the USGS must adapt to meet the evolving needs of stakeholders in the water-hazard space. We will collect information regarding the decision-making process, data, and data-format needs to support daily, long-term, and emergency management decision-making. Information will also be sought on gaps in data delivery and coverage. A lack of decision-support data within water institutions can lead to poor decision-making and outcomes that may increase the risk to life, property, and environmental health resulting from a hazard event. This information will support the delivery of appropriate data, in appropriate formats, at the right time for decision-making and emergency management. The information will guide USGS support of water-resource institutions, enhancing resilience in the face of the Nation's many water-resources challenges.

USGS Water Hazards: https://www.usgs.gov/programs/groundwater-and-streamflow-information-program/water-hazards
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-13414

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