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Nov 8 -- The Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce, invites comments by January 8, 2024 regarding the continuation w/o change of the Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States—Transactions of U.S. Affiliate with Foreign Parent (Form BE–605).

The Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States—Transactions of U.S. Affiliate with Foreign Parent (Form BE–605) obtains quarterly data on transactions and positions between foreign-owned U.S. business enterprises and their “affiliated foreign groups” (i.e., their foreign parents and foreign affiliates of their foreign parents). The survey is a sample survey that covers all U.S. affiliates above a size-exemption level. The sample data are used to derive universe estimates of direct investment transactions, positions, and income in nonbenchmark years from similar data reported in the BE–12, Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, which is conducted every five years. The data collected through the BE–605 survey are essential for the preparation of the U.S. international transactions, national income and product, and input-output accounts and the net international investment position of the United States. The data are needed to measure the size and economic significance of foreign direct investment in the United States, measure changes in such investment, and assess its impact on the U.S. economy. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is not proposing any changes to the BE–605 survey.

Notice of specific reporting requirements, including who is to report, the information to be reported, the manner of reporting, and the time and place of filing reports, will be mailed to potential respondents each quarter. Reports are due 30 days after the close of each calendar or fiscal quarter, or 45 days if the report is for the final quarter of the respondent's financial reporting year. Reports are required from every U.S. business enterprise in which a foreign entity owns, directly and/or indirectly, 10 percent or more of the voting securities of the U.S. business enterprise if it is incorporated, or an equivalent interest if it is unincorporated, at any time during the quarter, and that meets the additional conditions detailed in Form BE–605. Certain private funds are exempt from reporting. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by BEA. Entities not contacted by BEA have no reporting responsibilities.

Potential respondents include those U.S. business enterprises that were required to report on the BE–12, Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States—2017, along with those U.S. business enterprises that subsequently have become at least partly foreign owned.

Activities of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Multinational Enterprises (MNEs): https://www.bea.gov/data/intl-trade-investment/activities-us-affiliates-foreign-mnes
Current data collection instruments and technical documentation: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202011-0608-001
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-24618

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