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Feb 29 -- The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Department of Education (ED), invites comments by April 29, 2024 regarding the two follow-up surveys to the 2023–24 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS)—the 2024–25 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) and the 2024–25 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS).

The 2024–25 TFS is a one year follow-up of a subsample of teachers who responded to the 2023–24 NTPS, and the 2024–25 PFS is a one year follow-up of principals who responded to the 2023–24 NTPS. The 2024–25 TFS and 2024–25 PFS, like earlier TFS and PFS collections, will measure the one year attrition rates of teachers and principals, respectively, who leave the profession and will permit comparisons of stayers, movers, and leavers to fulfill the legislative mandate for NCES to report on the “condition of education in the United States.” “Stayers” are teachers or principals who remain in the same school between the NTPS year of data collection and the follow-up year.

“Movers” are teachers or principals who stay in the profession but change schools between the NTPS year and the follow-up year. “Leavers” are NTPS respondents who leave the teaching or principal profession between the NTPS year and the follow-up year.

The 2024–25 TFS analysis file will include TFS data in addition to data collected in the 2023–24 NTPS on teacher characteristics, qualifications, perceptions of the school environment and the teaching profession, and a host of other topics. Prior TFS data have played an important role in improving the understanding of the conditions that affect the balance between teacher attrition and retention. The NTPS and TFS provide national data on turnover in the teacher workforce, including rates of attrition from teaching, sources and characteristics of newly hired teachers, and characteristics and destinations of leavers. These data help shift the debate from the issue of teacher quantity to teacher quality; that is, from a focus on teacher shortages measured only in terms of the number of teaching positions left vacant to the qualifications and years of experience of teachers who stay in the classroom versus those who leave the profession. The cross-sectional repeated design of the TFS allows the analysis of trends related to these topics.

The 2024–25 PFS analysis file will include PFS data in addition to data on principal characteristics, qualifications, and perceptions of the school environment from data collected in the 2023–24 NTPS. Together, the NTPS and PFS will provide national data on turnover in the principal workforce, including rates of attrition from principalship, sources and characteristics of newly hired principals, characteristics and destinations of leavers, and due to the cross-sectional repeated design of the PFS, analyses of trends related to these topics.

NTPS: https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ntps/overview.asp
Draft survey instruments and technical documentation: https://www.regulations.gov/docket/ED-2024-SCC-0034/document
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-04192

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