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Mar 5 -- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce, invites comments by May 5, 2024 regarding the proposed 3D Nation Elevation Data Requirements & Benefits Study.

NOAA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are working to improve the technology systems, data, and services that provide information about 3D elevation data and related applications within the United States. By continuing to learn about business uses and associated benefits that would be realized from improved elevation data, the agencies can more effectively prioritize and direct investments that will best serve user needs. The 3D Nation Elevation Data Requirements and Benefits Study (“3D Nation Study”) is part of the continuing effort to develop and refine future program alternatives that would provide enhanced 3D data to meet many Federal, State, and other national business needs. The 3D Nation Study seeks to understand needs for 3D elevation data in terms of mission-critical activities, geographic extents of data needs, accuracy requirements, frequency needed, and anticipated benefits of having the required data.

In 2022, NOAA and the USGS completed the first 3D Nation Study assessing requirements and benefits of topographic (terrestrial elevation) and bathymetric (water depth) data in inland, nearshore, and offshore geographies. The 3D Nation Study consisted of a standardized questionnaire covering a wide range of business uses that depend on elevation data to inform policy, regulation, scientific research, and management decisions. Input was gathered from a variety of government entities (e.g., Federal, State, local, Tribal) as well as not-for-profit, academic, and private/commercial users of elevation data. Collected responses were aggregated at the agency, organization, state and national levels. Responses associated with individuals were not distributed. Responses were one-time and voluntary. In-person interviews to clarify questionnaire results were arranged on a case-by-case basis.

NOAA and USGS are now analyzing respondent data from the first 3D Nation Study. The findings are being used to update a baseline of national business needs and associated benefits for 3D data and associated technologies. This baseline enhances the responsiveness of NOAA, USGS, and partner agency programs to stakeholder needs. It is intended to inform the design of directed future programs that balance requirements, benefits, and costs at a national scale.

NOAA and USGS plan to revisit national elevation data needs to assess changes to the 3D Nation Study baseline in or after 2026, which is why NOAA and USGS are seeking to extend this ICR. The survey tool for the future 3D Nation Study collection will likely include a subset of questions from the original questionnaire because the 2022 3D Nation Study provides a sufficient foundation to minimize questions in a number of study areas. Prior to conducting the next round of surveys, NOAA will submit a request for questionnaire revision to OMB based on analysis of the baseline survey.

Emails regarding the survey will be sent to a comprehensive list of stakeholders, with a request to forward the email to any other interested survey participants. The emails will include a link to the online survey, which can also be provided upon request by paper or other means by emailing or calling the study point of contact. In-person interviews may follow to resolve questions, clarify answers and add more detail to responses. Responses may be summarized in the future 3D Nation Study report and verified by respondents willing for their input to be included in final reports and appendices.

3D Report, appendices of questionnaire, other report-related sections: https://3dnation.iocm.noaa.gov/ and https://iocm.noaa.gov/​planning/​3DNationStudy.html
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-04626

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