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Mar 25 -- The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), Commerce, invites public comment by May 24, 2024 regarding the renewal of the Competitive Enhancement Needs Assessment Survey.

This collection of information is necessary under the Defense Production Act of 1950 (DPA), as amended, and related Executive Order 13603. Under the Competitive Enhancement Needs Assessment Survey Program (The Program), the Bureau of Industry and Security's Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE) distributes surveys nationwide to businesses in order to determine which government competitive enhancement, procurement opportunity and business diversification programs would benefit their competitive position in the marketplace. The results of the mandatory surveys allow The Program to align industry stakeholders with the Federal and State resources best suited to meet their individual needs. The expertise of 70+ Federal and State government organizations is made available to The Program, in addition to the excess equipment and facilities resident in closed Federal installations plus the excess government equipment at government contractor facilities. The companies respond to the OTE program surveys on a mandatory basis.

The Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE) is responsible for analyzing the effectiveness of export controls. OTE plays a central role for BIS and the Department of Commerce by analyzing key aspects that are vital to U.S. national and economic security. OTE identifies critical and emerging technologies and assesses the supply chain, foreign availability, and mass market status of those technologies through global import-export supply chain and financial trade data, as well as all-source intelligence analysis. This research supports the design of effective dual-use export controls and their associated regimes, (e.g. Wassenaar, Australia Group) while continuing to promote U.S. trade competitiveness. In addition, OTE oversees the operation of BIS's Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) to ensure industry input on the impact of export controls on key sectors of the U.S. industrial base.

Office of Technology Evaluation, BIS: https://www.bis.gov/OTE
Current survey instrument and supporting statement (expires 8/31/24): https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=202107-0694-003
Draft supporting statement: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hn0l1nga8tnck2xsfmedf/IC-0694-0083-Supporting-Statement.docx?rlkey=60f3rgyg3kxqnqtsk0e04pawm&dl=0
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-06252

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