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June 4 -- The Energy Information Administration (EIA), Department of Energy (DOE), invites comments by August 5, 2024 regarding the proposed three-year extension, with changes, to the Petroleum Marketing Program (PMP). EIA's PMP collects volumetric and price information needed for determining the supply of and demand for crude oil and refined petroleum products. PMP consists of six surveys that collect data on petroleum products. EIA uses this information to monitor volumes and prices for crude oil and petroleum products.

The Petroleum Marketing Program consists of the following surveys:

-- Form EIA-14: Refiners' Monthly Cost Report;
-- Form EIA-182: Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Report;
-- Form EIA-856: Monthly Foreign Crude Oil Acquisition Report;
-- Form EIA-877: Winter Heating Fuels Telephone Survey;
-- Form EIA-878: Motor Gasoline Price Survey;
-- Form EIA-888: On-Highway Diesel Fuel Price Survey;

EIA proposes modifying Form EIA-888, On-Highway Diesel Fuel Price Survey, to include a checkbox allowing stations to indicate that they do not sell diesel fuel. This designation will make it easier to identify stations that are no longer in scope for the survey but are still in operation.

EIA is requesting the discontinuation and removal of the following four surveys from the Petroleum Marketing Program:

-- The EIA-863, Petroleum Product Sales Identification Survey, has been suspended since 2011, with the last completed survey cycle occurring for 2006 data. Surveys previously reliant on these data for sample design have implemented new sampling methodologies, which no longer require these data. EIA proposes formally discontinuing this survey.

-- To concentrate limited EIA and respondent resources on more timely products, EIA proposes eliminating the EIA-782A, Refiners'/Gas Plant Operators' Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report, the EIA-782C, Monthly Report of Prime Supplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption, and the EIA-821, Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report, surveys. EIA remains committed to balancing the costs associated with collecting data (for both respondents and taxpayers) with the benefits of providing a more complete data set. The U.S. energy industry is dynamic, and our surveys and publications have and will continue to evolve to provide the best value to the American people in support of efficient energy markets. We continue to explore opportunities to incorporate similar data from other sources.

PMP: https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/marketing/monthly/
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2024-12198

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