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asked ago by (260 points)
ATTENTION INTENSIVE USERS OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS. On Tuesday July 9th, the American Statistical Association and George Mason University will be releasing a report on "The Nation's Data at Risk: Meeting America's Information Needs for the 21st Century." The report reflects a year-long effort supported by the Sloan Foundation to develop metrics for tracking the health of the U.S. statistical system, including such determinants of its ability to operate effectively as: provisions assuring the independence of the statistical agencies, the availability of adequate budgets and staffing, the stat agencies' ability to innovate and maintain and improve data quality, and more.

The report will be posted on the project's website at 10am Eastern on July 9th: https://www.amstat.org/policy-and-advocacy/assessing-the-health-of-the-principal-federal-statistical-agencies.   

An hour later (11am Eastern), the project team will discuss the inaugural report and its plans to produce annual analyses in the years ahead. Register here to attend the webinar: https://amstat.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d1p0F0GiS0CuzFcFyCA1KA#/registration.  Please spread the word to anyone you think would be interested.

--Martha Starr, Washington, DC, Representative of the AEA

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