JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2016 - July 31, 2016

University of Namur

This listing is inactive.
Post Doctoral Fellow in Economic History

JOE ID Number: 2016-01_111455189
Date Posted: 02/01/2016
Date Inactive: 07/31/2016
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Post Doctoral Fellow in Economic History
Section: International: Other Academic (Part-time or Adjunct)
Location: BELGIUM
JEL Classifications:
N -- Economic History
O -- Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth
Economic History, Development Economics
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Centre of Research in Development Economics (CRED) at University of Namur invites applications for a two year postdoctoral research scholar position to begin in July 2016.

The successful candidate will take part in a research project led by Guilhem Cassan (UNamur) and Lakshmi Iyer (HBS) on the political economy of late colonial India, focusing in particular in the consequences of the constitutional reforms of 1919 and 1935.

Familiarity with archive work, econometrics analysis, and availability to travel to the UK and India for archive work is required.

Application Requirements:
- Letters of reference
- CV
- Job market paper
- Cover letter

PhD or equivalent level at the time of the beginning of the contract.

The wage is comparable to leading European post docs, and travel costs incurred during the post doc will be covered.

Deadline for application: 1st of march 2016

Application Requirements:
  • Letters of Reference
  • Job Market Paper
  • CV
  • Cover Letter
Application deadline: 03/01/2016
  • Application Deadline Has Passed