JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2017 - July 31, 2017

International Food Policy Research Institute

This listing is inactive.
Program Leader/Senior Research Fellow - Pakistan

JOE ID Number: 2017-01_111457803
Date Posted: 05/16/2017
Date Inactive: 07/31/2017
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Program Leader/Senior Research Fellow - Pakistan
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
JEL Classifications:
Q1 -- Agriculture
O1 -- Economic Development
O2 -- Development Planning and Policy
O5 -- Economywide Country Studies
Economics, Agricultural Economics, Public Policy, Public Finance, Pakistan
Full Text of JOE Listing:

IFPRI seeks a Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow and Program Leader of its Pakistan Agricultural Capacity Enhancement Program (PACE) in Pakistan for a two year, fixed-term, renewable appointment based in Islamabad, Pakistan.

The Pakistan country strategy support program aims to enhance Pakistan’s capacity for evidence-based policymaking in areas of agriculture, rural development and poverty reduction. The program supports capacity strengthening and research for Pakistan’s provincial development strategies and selected national agricultural and economic policy issues. It addresses policy effectiveness within the agricultural sector, and with other sectors important to economic growth and poverty reduction. Key research and capacity building activities are carried out with an array of agricultural sector stakeholders in Pakistan, including the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, the Punjab Agricultural Department, other federal and state government departments, various research institutes and universities, and private sector and nongovernmental organizations.

The Fellow will be responsible for leading IFPRI’s country strategy support program in Pakistan, which includes research, capacity strengthening and policy communications. The Fellow will allocate about 40% of time to program management and 60% to research and capacity-strengthening activities. The Fellow will be responsible for the timely completion of research projects, actively publishing papers/books, and participating in conferences, policy advisory fora and capacity strengthening training programs. Responsibilities include:

• Program management: recruits and manages local office staff, manages program resources and maintains regular communication with IFPRI-Washington.
• Research/Capacity Building. leads or participates in specific empirical research, supports targeted training and institutional capacity building programs
• Policy Communication and Liaison: maintains active policy communication with national counterparts, regular research seminars, policy briefs and working paper series; establishes links with national research institutions, universities, and government agencies; reports program outputs and results; and liaises with donors on a regular basis.
• Fundraising: identifies additional research funding opportunities, responds to in-country needs,

• PhD in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Public Policy, Public Finance or related field
• Minimum of 7 years of post-PhD research and outreach experience in agricultural policy issues, with internationally recognized publications
• Experience in policymaking or advisory positions with national and provincial ministries of agriculture and strong team-building and networking skills
• Strong publications record in peer-reviewed journals
• Proven record of fundraising success for projects
• Demonstrated strong experience supervising staff and building teams
• Knowledge and experience working in Pakistan or other Asian countries
• Ability to work across disciplines and cultures
• Excellent written and spoken English.

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
  • Letters of Reference Instructions Below
Reference Instructions:
Please complete the online application and submit a complete resume, detailed letter of interest, and three references. For more information about IFPRI, please visit our website at EOE.